Monday, September 25, 2006

EcoSystem integration [written inGame by FEZ Rutherford]

Object-Name: blogHelper
Region: Tan (256000, 257024)
Local-Position: (160, 77, 101)

Some days ago I've reported about a project called [off-topic] EcoSystem in SL which tries to build a whole EcoSystem on its own sim.
I got in contact with the developers lately and added hay fever into 2nDisability. This means that if you are 2ndisabled and get in touch with too many of their plants you will start sneezing.
There will we an entry about it on their wiki as soon as possible.


Anonymous said...

This is Luciftias, from the SL Ecosystem Project....

did you want to give out this out as an attachment at the landing in Terminus?

Unknown said...

We can give this out if you want to...

I'll contact you inGame for some details before that...


Anonymous said...

Sticky Pages About Molds are part of the natural environment. Additional Mold Information